Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bic and Converse

For one of my Senior Project classes I am creating an iPhone app that is for both Bic and Converse. It's based on off of the idea of doodling on your shoes. Anyway my idea is really not relevant to this blog at all but what is relevant is how awesome both Bic's and Converse's websites are!
As I have pointed out in previous blog postings I have a thing for websites that use "real materials" and both of these do!
Check them out even if you aren't in the market for Bic products or a new pair of shoes.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Take me to Chiquitaville!

Wow! I love how interactive the new Chiquita website is! It's so much fun and even through there is a lot going on it doesn't seem overwhelming at all.
Check it out.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cast Your Vote

I love websites that look like this one with "real" objects and paper! What's particularly cool about this on is that its to vote on indie musicians that have submitted their songs.
I found this website because a friend of mine posted it on facebook and asked people to go on and vote for video #5. So I did. You should do the same.
I'm also always down for some good ol' social media
Check it out!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Go Forth! (Again!)

You may remember my post a few months ago about how awesome the Levi's "Go Forth" campaign is. Well, I still love it! This spot, which isn't new but new to me, gets me so excited for summer (and wish that I was still a teenager in New Hampshire)! Enjoy!

Crazy Animated GIFs

This is an awesome little website that just plays short animated GIFs over and over and over and over again! There is something so captivating about watching a few seconds of something that may be in all actuality really boring repeat. It is mind numbing.
Check it out if you feel like staring at your computer screen for longer then you already have to. It's kind of awesome.

Thanks Swiss Miss, for posting about such a weird little site.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why was the farmer angry that his cheese wasn't curdling?

It was whey behind schedule.

hehe. I can't take credit for this awesome joke, my friend Mike Enright came up with it, but these awesome packages for Whey Protein that I saw on the dieline are whey cool! haha

Alright, enough with the jokes.
The packaging is really cool but there is something about it that reminds me of mascara boxes.

Here is the article if you want to read more about it.

Short Cuts

For some reason, when I tried to post this originally it didn't post the content. Well, here it is again.

Adobe recently created a Student Hub website to sell their student edition of the Creative Suite. The design is nice and all but the really awesome thing is the downloadable application! Gosh, I wish I had this sophomore year. When you download the application you can choose the program that your working in and it will show you all of the shortcuts you can then and you can select some favorites.

Check it out!